No other filter performs this well under pressure.
You may think you have filtration integrity – but do you? By merely making do with conventional filters, you might be doing serious damage to your system. At the very least, you’re losing time and money through inefficient operation, shortened life span and excessive maintenance.
FAA Filters was founded on the belief that things could be done better with the application of new materials, design innovations, and sophisticated engineering and manufacturing skills.
The result has been the superior Real Filter® and Sure Seal® cartridges. Superior in performance, ease of maintenance and savings. And, most importantly, a FAA Filters system comes with an exclusive lifetime filter cartridge agreement.

It's time to clear the air about filtration integrity.
FAA Filters
- An absolute seal
Rugged flange end supports the gasket seal, not the fins. No fin deformation or fatigue. - 100% utilization of the filter area
Up to 50% greater flow capacity. Fins are restriction free. - No contamination bypass

Conventional Filters
- High pressure drop and short life
Fin/seal design restricts flow. - Potential seal rupture and bypass resulting in catastrophic failure
Fin supports the gasket. Pressure forces the gasket down on the fins, deforming and fatiguing them. - Allowing bypass and system damage
Contamination has met its match.
Damaging particles downstream can mean downtime, so we engineered ways to stop contamination cold.
FAA Filters is proud to present the patented Real Filter® cartridge and the complete FAA Filters family of filtration systems. A new generation of filters that reflect a new way of thinking about filtration.
First, there’s the seal. Since the gasket design used by our conventional competitor leaves room for contaminant bypass, we searched for a better solution. We found it … in our patented design, the Real Filter® cartridge unifies the seal with the filter core.
There’s more … a better fin design that’s obstruction free, so it won’t restrict flow. In fact, you’ll get up to 50% greater flow capability because of a better utilization of filtration area. Additionally, a rugged flange-end design eliminates fin deformation and fatigue caused by the pressures of installation and operation.
We can meet any filtration need with our complete filter system built around our Real Filter® and Sure Seal® filter cartridges.
Contact us to learn more about what FAA Filters can do for you. Start installing the filters that will let you put a stop to contamination … before contamination puts a stop to your system.
Solid particulate removal
Coalescers aerosol & particulate removal
- Instrument air
- Natural gas
- Process gas
- Dryer pre-filter & after filters
- Vacuum pump
- Vacuum casting/molding
- Plant air

- Patented seal technology
- Greater dirt holding capacity
- Radial fins that gives you half again as much flow capacity
- Strongest flange seal in the industry